Saturday, September 22, 2007

What would we do without our sisters?

Having five sisters, I have lots of experience with them. I also have
sister-in-laws who are like my sisters. I don't know what I would do without them and I hope my girls always stay this close!

Brooke is growing her bangs out. She pulls all her barrettes out, so right now her hair is always a mess!


Kileen said...

Beautiful girls!!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds/looks like Mallory. Ugh I hear ya with the bangs. A couple of times I've had my scissors in hand ready to clean her up and realized that I would regret it! Stay strong! HA


Katie said...

what WOULD we do WITHOUT sisters???
thankfully these girls have eachother cuz god knows as you get older, they mean so much!

love you.