Sunday, September 16, 2007

The power of prayer

Just wanted to add a post for all my friends and family to say a prayer for our brother Dennis and his family. We love you guys!


Katie said...


My heart aches that you are in pain. I wish I could make it stop in some way.
I am thinking of you every day and I love you so much. There are so many people in this world who love you.
I have always looked up to you as my oldest bro, but also because there is something we share just by looking alike. You are a star--always have been and always will be.

I love you.

Anonymous said...

Love you Dennis~thinking and even dreaming about you and hoping that you stay strong. I love you, Jodi and the kids.

Kelli xxoo

Anonymous said...


In grade school we were friends. Who would have ever thought we would grow up and share nieces and nephews..You are in my thoughts and in my heart always..stay strong...Our love to Jodi and the girls...

Kelly, Jimmy, Shannon and Brady