Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Kids Say The Funniest Things

We were asking Brooke the usual 2 year old questions like
"What does a cow say?" moo
"What does a dog say?" woof woof...
Then we asked her what does Daddy say and her response was "son of a bitch".
After we cracked up we asked her "What does Mommy do?" She said "clean the clothes and my butt, just kidding".
Fricking kids!


Jemmmma said...

Well I'd say that's right on target. At least she's observant...and honest. Too funny!

Kileen said...

That's hilarious!

Mom of 3 Boys said...

that made me laugh!!!

Barbarito Family said...

That is too funny!

Lisa said...

I'm pmp right now...if you ask tayla what dada does at work she says makamoney!

Jackie said...

Too funny! I'll have to ask Ben the same question to see what an almost 6 year old says....I'll ask to see what he says for both George and Bill!

Kelli said...

Great pic of you and Billy off to the side here!

Kate said...

hahaha this is so funny!!
I love it!

Jenn said...

That is awesome. LOL! She's a hot ticket, that Brooke.

LeeAnn said...

What a riot!!! hahahahahahahahaha.. I tell you I hate it when little ones use bad words.. but I hate it even more when they use them in the right context!! hahahahahahahaha Great pictures!!