Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Colin broke his pelvis during a football game on Sunday. He is in a lot of pain but is in good spirits. The poor kid is on bedrest for weeks, maybe months. We'll find out more details on Friday after we see the sports medicine people.
I know I said I was bored being home with just Brooke in the afternoons and that I was looking for something to do. This isn't what I meant...

(Kelsey did something funky to his hair)
I don't think he thought his first set of wheels would be these ones.

A bunch of kids came by today after school to say hello and brought him a card and a new video game. A couple of his friends stayed and played and hung out.I think he's just happy to talk to someone besides me.
We're praying for a quick recovery. Hopefully he'll be back to school in a couple of weeks. He'll be rocking a wheel chair for school but, it's much safer than trying to do crutches.


Kileen said...

We love you Colin! Get well soon!!

Erin said...

that wheelchair is going get him more attention than he already gets from the girls... poor colin though. after a few weeks, he is going to be going stir crazy.

Kelli said...

Awwww, I could cry!
I'll see you Sat. Colin, I'll bring you WHATEVER you want!
You're still the handsomest boy around, even w/ a busted pelvis! ;)
What good friends you have, I bet they miss you.
You get some quality time w/ Mum though...enjoy that! I'm sure she's getting you anything you'd like. Good Mommy!

♥ you

Anonymous said...

I hope you start feeling back to normal soon.

Love ya buddy.

Uncle Kevin.

Kelly said...

Nice hair buddy...It was nice of your friends to visit...I will be over again soon..Love you...


Katie said...

awww Colin! I feel so bad for the kid.

I picked you up a couple books, wow they are gonna suck compared to that new video game!

Kris said...

Aww I hope you feel better soon.
Have him start a Blog!!!

Jenn said...

Jeannie filled me in on Colin's broken pelvis...I'm so sorry!! That really sucks. I hope he heals well and fast!!

Jackie said...

We hope Colin heals quickly! Hey Colin - boss Benny around in the morning and have him do your bidding! Let George know if you want any Steven King or other books - he has a bunch!

Carly said...

OMG!!!!! Poor Colin! That must have been awful. I am so sorry to hear about it. Get well soon!

Kate said...

omg, that's so sad! i hope he starts feeling better asap!!

Mom of 3 Boys said...

oh no!!!! tell colin we are thinking abt him.
how terrible :( i hope he gets better so quick.

Anonymous said...


get well soon, mate

the croc hunter

Katie said...


we miss u in footbaw

swayze j.

Katie said...

that was supposed to be anonymous


Jemmmma said...

Erin, I was thinking the same thing! If anyone can make a wheelchair cool it's going to be Colin. I hope everything goes well on Friday. This stinks. Feel better! I will cook/bake or buy you anything you'd like. I'll call tomorrow and take your order.

Anonymous said...

auntie jelly belly uses a wheelchair, colin. don't feel bad. problem is, i am in the wheelchair so much i now suffer from edema and hair loss in various places. some better than others (if you know what i mean!)--
anyways, the trick is in rolling downhill. i always enjoy an old downhill stroll through the neighborhood. problem is, when you weigh 457 l.b.'s, is finding the right guy to help you home.
that's when i call your second cousin carl. YES-- he still lives with me!
again i just wanted to note that being handicapped, whether momentarily or permanantly, actually causes one to reflect upon thier life with the wit and sarcasm of a sharp tongued poet.
my current fave is yeats, who once said:
"if the drive-through is ten deep, your best bet is to go inside."
remember that, because i think handicapped people also get a buck of the #7 extra value meal-- but they gotta see the wheelchair to prove it!

Anonymous said...

my's the #6
my fav-- the two cheeseburger meal.

might i ask, why isn't that one on the drive-thru menu anymroe?!?!?

Lisa said...

ouch...poor colin...I hope he heals quickly!!!

Anonymous said...

me feel bad 4 u

get well soon collin


Anonymous said...

Where's Andy?

Kelli said...

Aside from feeling AWFUL that Colin is hurting, Katie that was PRETTY DAMN FUNNY!
I hope Colin got a laugh.

Colin, where are we aunties gonna be someday? Will we still be funny? Cool? We're wacky, some more than others. (if you know who I mean!) ;)

Anonymous said...

it's not your brownie recipe

it is sandy's

Anonymous said...

Good luck! Colin being stuck home with your Mom isn't as bad as being stuck home with your Dad

Mary said...

Poor kid. Get well soon.