Monday, March 17, 2008

26 Questions

Here it is...the latest installment of Blog Tag. Are you sick of these yet?
26 is a random number and these are definitely some random questions, so here goes. C' know you love it.

1. What was your first car?
I had a 1979 Mercury Monarch nicknamed the "Cherry Bomb". Dad brought him home and we went in the garage and washed and waxed the entire thing. It had a discolored fender and a bench seat but I was free and loved it!I'll never forget Dad's lecture on how if a car is down a pint of oil it is like a person being down a pint of blood. That has stuck with me even now.

2. Do you have any nicknames? Some of my family calls me Mags. I think it is because Nana used to call me Magpie or Maggie Mae and it stuck a little. I like it though.

3. Have you ever been scuba diving?
No, but I would probably try it. I am very claustrophobic so I'm not sure how that would work out. Plus I totally sceeve fish.

4. What's your least favorite color?
I hate the color yellow. I don't know why, I just do.

5. Would you ever go skydiving?
No. Never even thought about doing it or had a desire to.

6. What toothpaste do you use?

7. What's the last movie you saw?
Bee Movie, it is a must buy!

8. What do you want to know about the future?
Will I ever get the tummy tuck I dream about?

9. Do you need to do laundry?
I always need to do laundry. It seems like an uphill battle for me. I do at least 4 loads a day and it is still never done.

10. Do you listen to the radio? I still listen to the cheesy stations we grew up listening to and the country musuc station. I really love talk radio. I only get to listen to it occasionally when the kids are sleeping in the car.

11. Where were you when 9/11 happened? I was on my home from driving Billy to work. His car was getting work done and I heard it on the radio and thought it was a joke. Billy got a ride home early and we watched it on t.v. all day. It was so scary!

12. What color are your bed sheets?
Sage green...I hate them. I had great 1000 thread count sheets and I want to buy them again.

13. What's your ringtone? I have an annoying one that Kelsey put on my phone.It scares the shit out of me whenever it rings. I'm not a huge fan of the cell phone.

14. Do you have any obsessions right now? Big Brother. I spend way too much time watching and thinking about that frigging show!

15. Do you watch cartoons?
I hate cartoons. I barely even like Disney animated movies. Obviously I have children so I am forced to watch them but I would never do so on my own time.

16. Do you like sushi?
I love California rolls but I'm not sure how sushish it really is. It's not raw fish and it is delicious! I was thinking of getting some today.

17. If your significant other was a superhero, what would his/her name be?
Billy would have to be "The Pusher". Billy can not stand it if someone visits us and they are not comfortable, fed, not thirsty or not happy. Therefore he pushes everything on people repeatedly even when they tell him over and over again they are fine. I guess it is kind of endearing before it gets annoying.

18. Do you enjoy sleeping late?
Yes. These days, if I get to sleep until 9 I am blessed.

19. Who tells the best jokes?
I hate jokes. I just don't find them funny or it takes me too long to get them and then I feel stupid. I think I am thinking about how I can fake a reaction after it is over the whole time, that I am not totally getting the full effect of the joke. After saying all that I think Kevin is the funniest person I know!

20. Do you believe in karma?
Yes. Totally! What comes around goes around!

21. Do you like your eggs scrambled or sunny side up?
Sunny side up but with toast. Plain would gag me.

22. Do you collect anything? If so, what?
I used to collect Demdanco(sp?) angels but I got sick of moving them to dust.

23. Name a song you can dance to.
The electric slide! I know 80's but when I hear it I want to dance.

24. Favorite concert you attended?
I haven't seen too many. I think Billy Joel back when Billy and I were first dating. Kelly and I are going to see Tim Mcgraw this summer, I love him so I can not wait!

25. What's your favorite invention?
I would have to say the inventor of chocolate. God knows who it is, not all of us paid attention in class, Katie you geek!

26. What do you like better: oranges or apples?
Apples. I am not a huge fruit person at all!

Everyone who is reading this, you've officially been tagged! Get going!


Kelly said...

number 3 had me cracking up....

Katie said...

That was good-- a few points made me Dad's quote about the blood and "Cherry Bomb" (I don't know what's worse). Red pleather seats! Billy drivint around with "I Got the Power" blaring! You've got to tell Dad that quote again, he would probably laugh that you remember that all these years later.
Electric slide...nuf said.
The Pusher-- SO TRUE AND SO FUNNY. Sit down, dim the lights, turn on the fan, turn up the tv, sit over here, are you comfortable? do you want a wine cooler?????
I happen to think Billy is just trying to be hospitable. He can fetch me a drink anytime...but don't put it down cuz it will end up in the dishwasher fast!!!!

Kelli said...

Good one Mags!
I'll work on mine now...prrrressure!

Anonymous said...

I agree...never, never leave your drink unattended. It will be in the dish washer if you turn your head for a split second. HA I think everyone was laughing at the electric slide answer. I think I sit whenever I hear it. Ahhh should I do this survey or not...I feel like after the last few, everyone knows everything about it. I'll try tonight.

Anonymous said...

The Electric Slide - huh? Do you also do the Chicken Dance? My skills max out at the YMCA song!

I love your easter cartoon - it made me laugh. Jacob asked me to read it to him but I don't think he got the full effect - oh to be young and innocent. I need to get my act together and try to answer this 26 Question tag.