You know the drill...
1. Do you like blue cheese? I don't think I have ever tried it.
2. Have you ever smoked heroin? no and never plan to. I think I could like it and that scares me.
3. Do you own a gun? Sort of, Colin went through a hunting phase with Uncle Derek and we bought him a gun for his birthday. It has never been allowed in our house because we don't have the proper storage place so it is up at Uncle D's, locked up.
4. What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic? never been and I don't think I could be missing much!
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? No. Only once, there was a very young, cute intern and my doctor asked me if I minded if he did the exam. What could I say? There is this young guy who probably has never seen a stomach that has had children in it before. I got so embarrassed and started telling him that I had five kids and how I was planning on losing weight... I felt so gross! He then told me that I was his first actual patient exam ever. HUMILIATION!
6. What do you think of hot dogs? I think I like them then I eat one and feel like puking.
7. Favorite Christmas movie? Christmas Vacation w/ Chevy Chase, I love Cousin Eddie! Billy and I quote that movie all the time. I also love It's A Wonderful Life!
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? coffee
9. Can you do push ups? I can do a few, I'm working on that.
10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? My engagement/wedding ring. It is an upgrade. When we first got married we couldn't afford a nice one. I still look at it every day and love it. Thanks Billy! I do think I deserve it for almost 17 years of his crappola!haha!
11. Favorite hobby? Watching TV and blogging. I am truly addicted! I just got home from work and where am I? On the damn computer filling this in.
12. Do you have A.D.D.? I don't know, I think I may have hyperactivity. I've been told that. If I do have it I am happy about it because if I ever slow down how could I take care of all these frigging kids!haha!
13. What's one trait you hate about yourself? Sometimes I talk alot, especially when I'm nervous. Then I go home and analize everything I said to anyone and wish I hadn't said certain things. I wish I was the type of person who just didn't care if I offended someone.
14. Middle name? Jean,it's a family thing. Lots of Jeans in our family.
15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment:
I'm so tired, my hands are killing from working all day and I wish Brooke would get off my lap even though I haven't seen her all day.
16. Name 3 things you bought yesterday: makeup, gas, coffee
17. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? dunkin donuts coffee, water, starbucks mocha
18. Current worry? my parents, siblings, Jodi & kids being okay
19. What do you hate right now? I hate Josh from Big Brother. I hate snow and winter and the bitch that asked me if I was pregnant last week! What a kick in the ass that is!
20. Favorite place to be? Anywhere w/ my sisters! We always have fun. I am very lucky to have each and every one of you!
21. How did you bring in the New Year? Chinese food w/ Billy and the kids, in bed and asleep by 12:02. Poor Dick Clark:(
22. Where would you like to go? I would kill for a trip to anywhere warm but, our girls weekend coming up will do!
23. Name three people who will complete this: screw three, I want everyone on our blog lists to do it!
24. Do you own slippers? OMG YES!!! I could not walk around without them. I think we got that from Nana. She always had on shoes. I swear my whole body aches and is ice cold unless I have them on.
25. What shirt are you wearing? Grubby white tee, I just changed from work clothes. I wish I still had on my new shirt that I bought the other day. I loved it today.
26. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? I don't think I would like the coldness to it but, I have never tried either.
27. Can you whistle? nope
28. Favorite color? periwinkle, I don't know why I just find it so pretty.
29. Would you be a pirate? No, I would get seasick.
30. What songs do you sing in the shower? I never sing in the shower, I think I get in deep thought in the shower.
31. Favorite girl's name? Brooke, I love her name. I wish it was my name though.
32. Favorite boy's name? I would have to say I love Colin's name.
33. What's in your pocket right now? no pockets, pj pants.
34. What's something that made you laugh today? a comment by Katie on someone's blog...I forget who's.
35. Best bed sheets as a child? OOH, my Barbie sheets. Kelli we both had them!
36. Worst injury you've ever had? I sprained my ankle a few times. It really hurt and crutches really suck after about an hour.
37. Do you love where you live? I really do, I hope I never move until I am going into a nursing home. I am so grateful to be where I am.
38. How many TVs do you have in your house? 8, we have them everywhere. It is Billy's fault. He keep buying them.
39. Who is your loudest friend? Jody C., I love her loudness, it is fun! Hey there, if you are reading this I miss you guys!
40. How many dogs do you have? 1, Olive. She is so good, that is the only reason she has made it 9 yrs with us. I am very impatient with animals.
41. Does someone have a crush on you? Those days are done! I think that would be too much work anyway!
42. What is your favorite book? I really never read. I wish I enjoyed it and when I read that you guys all read alot I wish I could too. Maybe someday when the kids are older. Maybe if they took away reality tv I would.
43. What is your favorite candy bar? Fifth Avenue, me too Katie! I thought no one else ate them. I try not to buy them and Billy brings me one home all the time,that is romantic to us!haha!
44. Favorite Sports Team? Red Sox or The Patriots, whoever is winning the big game. otherwise could care less.
45. What were you doing 12 AM last night? sleeping
46. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? Where and when do the kids have to be today.
These are really fun and I love reading everyone's!
That was good Mary! I had to laugh at the sprained ankle part. Remember at Ma's pool in your swimsuit when you twisted your ankle and fainted in front of Derek, who was pretty new to the family I think at the time! ha ha ha
You don't have ADD you are just a hyper person. Don't leave a drink around Mary's house for long. Before you get to take your next sip it's gone! In the dishwasher! You nut!
These are fun!
PMP i remember you telling us about the doctors appt.
Dr's app story is sooooo funny!...slippers, pirate?
All so funny!
oh and by the way, Dick Clark says with a crooked smile "Hawwy Newwww Ye--a---rhhh (drool)"
the poor guy had a stoke! you are a cruel woman!
oh stop he's a millionaire!
like i said...."ha, ha , hawwwwwwwwyyyyyyy Noooo Yea,hhrrr"
(slime running down his chin)
Sorry just keepin it real!
OMG Katie...damn you. I cried for the past two years b/c he's deteriorated so badly!
You're going to H-E-double hockey sticks!!!
Mary, I agree w/ you on this! Poor, poor man!
And I like the added pics, it was good before and now it's grrrrreat! (said like Tony the Tiger)
Ya good, ya really, really good. (Joe Pesci eating a gabagoo sanGwich on the stoop)
Kelli cried two years ago on New Years because of Dick Clark?
OK, now I've heard it all.
Kelsey showed me how to add pics. I am going to go picture wild now!
I agree with Katie..Why would anyone let that poor man on TV. The worst is every year they still show him kissing his wife at midnight...Imagine the drool!!!!!
I asked BIlly and he said to tell you that he offended that he is getting blamed for something that extremely non-masculine! He didn't have any idea what I was talking about.
I say either Kelli or Jeannie is it. Somehow, even though you swore on your child I still think it is Katie. She did write about doing #2 and the the R.C. wrote about it again. Fess up you physco!
Okay, maybe I didn't cry BUT it was very very sad. Let's just say that I'm a caring enough human being that I wouldn't make fun of him like Katie (and Kelly). Although I do agree that he's on for the ratings Kel! haha
Mary, so you mean picture WILDDD??? Hmmmm????
And I am not RC, I swear on Dick Clark!
the rhinestone cowboy likes rancid blue cheese with chunks
Wow, RC was up at he Jay Coughlin??? lol
Oops, the times are obviously off. Back to square one! haha
I just got home, I see the RC has been busy!
RC is a woos and I'm tiring of him.
Okay, I am late to this party...but I also cried, almost cried, when I saw poor Dick Clark on TV. But then again I can cry at a good commercial these days!
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