11 out of 12 of Brooke's eggs were so cracked and some were split in half by the time she was done with them.

Kelsey and Colin have no interest in coloring eggs anymore. Enjoy every year, before you know it they are too big for it!
(I'm sure they will be up looking for their Easter basket though!)
Shannon had NO INTEREST in coloring eggs..what a strange child! Maybe next year. She is excitied for the easter bunny though. I heard her telling Brady all about him. Happy Easter Guys!
happy easter to you!
What a beautiful family.I can't believe how grown up they are! The last time I saw a picture of Erin she was just a baby!!!! Time goes by too fast. Hope the Easter Bunny is good to you all!
I love the Shaughnessys!
Easta Bunny in the HIZZLE!
Jump, Jump!
Kriss Kross
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