What a great weekend! Outlet shopping and Cold Stone Creamery were a couple of stops we made. I must for 15 kids in one house, the kids were excellent all weekend. I had so much fun and alot of laughs, mostly at Kelli's expense. Brendan told Billy he never saw me laugh as much as he did this weekend! I thought that was pretty funny. Never a dull moment!I also still can't believe we pushed a van up a snowy hill, that was amazing! These pictures could be used against us for DSS!haha! I'm in for next year.
My WEAK minivan made it down the driveway but couldn't make it back up...we thought we'd have to call a towtruck BUT Erin got behind that wheel-Mary, Cass & I got behind that car and we pushed it up and out of there! There was serious shopping to be done! It was a great moment! Who needs men?!!!?
where was billy???
We left all the husbands home, they were very happy to be left out of this trip!
Looks and sounds like you all had a great time. I need to know more about the van push up hill?
we need more info & pics. Looks like a good time...me want ice cream!!!
Looks like fun! I agree, what about this van being pushed up a hill?
it was scandalous!!!!
kelli flexed after she pushed the van uphill...tough girl!
soccer rock rules!
My WEAK minivan made it down the driveway but couldn't make it back up...we thought we'd have to call a towtruck BUT Erin got behind that wheel-Mary, Cass & I got behind that car and we pushed it up and out of there! There was serious shopping to be done! It was a great moment! Who needs men?!!!?
Looks like you all had so much fun.....I can only imagine!!
Kelli, you are right, I think we only found the strength because we wanted to shop so badly!
Girl power!
I want some scandalous details...shopping, ice cream, mini-vans? What really happened up there?
Hercules, Hercules!!!!
lol izzo-mclernon
Idol flashback!
I think Lisa may be one of our long lost sisters. She has the same sick sense of humor. Must be the Gayhart blood!
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