I usually wouldn't normally post a recipe but Jody C. gave this to me and it sounds so good!
Autumn Pork Chops
4 pork chops 3 Tbsp. brown sugar, packed
4 Tbsp. butter, divided 2 tsp. cinnamon
2 red apples, cored and halved
Arrange pork chops in a 13"x9" baking pan, spread one Tbsp. of butter on top of each pork chop. Lay one apple half cut -side down on each pork chop, sprinkle with brown sugar and cinnamon. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 45 minutes or until pork chops centers are no longer pink.
Katie is going to have a blast with this posting!
sounds great! I'll have to try this. Easy too!
i love to eat people
oink oink
the pig
wah wah wah all the way home...
I'll butter your pork chops.. Next door neighbor?? I'm watching you;;;;;;;Still..
The nice Neighbor
sometimes i enjoy a nice, hearty dish called Autumn Moose Knuckles.
I'll tell you my secret recipe from Granny Francis...but please don't tell a soul. It won the Nottingam Stew Contest in 06-07. Gran Fran is mighty proud of her Knuck Knuck Stew (what we lovingly refer to it as).
Here goes:
You take one large Moose Knuckle, singe all hair off with a Bic lighter, dip the knuckle in a pan of lard and roll it in flour.
Then proceed to find the wet spot, slice in center so you have two knucks lying on the countertop.
At this point they will be very moist and meaty from the absorbtion of the fat.
Then you take them, fry them in a skillet, add some camel toes and a large heaping ladle of green beans, some beef stock (I like Rachael Ray's brand), and thyme. Simmer for about 10 minutes, I like my Knucks rare.
Serve over a bed of whole wheat rice and salt/pepper to taste.
MMMMMM...Deelish. The best damn Moose Knuckles in all of Strafford can be found right here in my backyard. They're big, they're hairy (a sign of juiciness), they're organice, they're free and that's what life is about. Living off the fat of the land. Slurp! Burp!
I just ate pork chops so this poem is making me feel like puking!
Thanks Katie. I could have lived without reading about that recipe. You are just as nucking futs as Kelli. I was going to say that I had a recipe just like this with apple cider and dare I say it...raisins. Let the comments come rolling in. I'm sure you guys can find something perverted in that!
my poop has raisins in it
Kelli is nuts today eh?
hey i bet it's one of these anonymous folks that said my mac and cheese recipe looked like poo....
GRRRR !!!!
LOL, without a doubt! That means they like you:)
Haha Katie!
Ya somethin', ya really, really somethin'!
Leave my name outta that pie hole of yours...or else!
I'll walk to Strafford and show that rinky dink town what a good ol' MASS ASS kickin' looks like!
Even Zella couldn't save you!
fight fight fight fight!
i think Katie needs an ass whooppin'!
those meanies who said my mac and cheese looked like poo hurt my pregnant feelings!
i am going to post apple bread soon so i hope i get some GOOD comments!
Oh my god Lorraine... Would you stop getting your feelings hurt.. its just Mac and Cheese... Im gonna try the moose knuckle stew...
And the Apple fall "pork" chops..
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