Kelsey headed out the door, driving herself to school for the first time. Then the boys were off on the bus.

Then Erin on her first day of kindergarten with her friend Benny.

This is the time when I usually start getting baby fever. It's a weird sense of loneliness when I am home with just one kid. What will Brooke and I do all day? Four down, one to go!
Some of my favorite memories of being a kid was coming home from school to a nice clean house and Ma would have a batch of chocolate chip cookies waiting for us. I thought I would try to make one of those days for my kids. Thanks Ma!

OMG how cute. Erin looks sooo excitied. The boy's don't look as excited as her but, handsome as Hell. I still can't believe that Kelsey is a Junior in high school...WOW are you old ...Ha Ha Ha..
Did you follow the bus? I bet not. I was scarred too being number six and your parents not caring anymore, I can relate to you Erin!
What a nice Mommy. Warm cookies. What did Billy get when he got home? Warm apple pie?
Aww they all look so sweet! Happy back to school! It feels so strange to have just the little ones again. I cant' believe how much more I can get done without the big kids home! Maybe I can get the house to stay clean now! Ha ha! Love you all!
What a nice post!
The girls look adorable and the boys soooo handsome! Erin looks so READY for school!
Life is good for Kelsey, huh?
I always liked Ma's cake-like brownies w/ confectioners sugar on top. Those were the best days!
And I always thought the most wonderful time of the year was "christmas" silly me!! I think that's just the teacher in me,lol I can't believe how big the kids are getting! Love you, miss you Auntie Paula
I have great memories about coming home to school and having cookies :)
you are a great mommy
Great pictures! Thanks for listening to me today with all of my worries and for being there for Ben and Erin's big day!
I didn't follow the bus. I thought about it but if I did it once I would have to do it every day. I am kind of weird like that...
Erin hated school and said "it was too hard". I also got a call from her teacher at 2:30 saying she had accidentally hit Erin in the face with her watch and thinks she would have a cut when she got home. Of course panicked just from the school # on the caller ID. She's fine but just one more reason to hate school. I hope tomorrow goes better.
How exciting! School is going to be so much fun. You look adorable!
I am lol about the teacher's watch. Poor kid! No wonder she hated school. Very funny!
did i miss the pic of kelsey!?!!??!
OMG, can't believe Erin hated it! Now I'm nervous about Reilly next week! Full days too!
Mary, I can't believe how old the kids are - Kelsey is driving!!?? That is unbelievable. They are all adorable! I'm adding you to my blog too : )
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