Another fun one from Katie. Anyone who wants to do it is tagged.
1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, find line 4. Write down what it says. If there are no books in the room you are in, confess to being a literary moron.
I'm a literary moron:(
2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What do you feel?
Nothing, just air.
3. What is the last Olympic event you watched on TV?
woman's gymnastics, poor girl was robbed!
4. WITHOUT LOOKING, guess what time it is:
5. Now look at the clock, what is the actual time?
6. When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
About 1/2 hour ago, I was filling a bucket of water for Brooke and Erin to play with on the deck.
7. Before you came to this website, what did you look at?
My email.
8. Did you dream last night? If so, what was the theme?
I can't remember. I was so tired last night. It was a long weekend!I will remember as soon as my head hits the pillow tonight. I always get flashes of my dreams from the night before when I lay down to go to sleep.
9. What is one thing hanging on the wall of your bathroom (besides the mirror)?
A clock.
10. Seen anything weird lately?
I was at the mall today. I saw at least a dozen weird teenagers. Damn Emots!haha!
11. What do you think of the rock group Kiss?
Bunch of idiots. They were good back in the day but wouldn't care to hear them now.
12. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy first?
I would pay off my house and then buy a nice flat stomach. Actually I think I would get the stomach done first and then boobs and then house.
13. Tell me something about your feet.
Billy thinks I have cute feet. I think they are ok as far as feet go. I could really use a pedicure right now though.
14. If you could change one thing about the world, what would you do?
I would cure Cancer.
15. Can you imitate any famous people (and do it well)?
No, maybe when I've had a few drinks but sober probably not...
16. Would you ever consider living abroad?
Been there, done that.I would love to visit again but probably woudl never live there again. I wish when I lived in Germany I appreciated it instead of count the days until we went home. Who knew those would be days I would miss.
17. Are you scared of bugs?
Yes, most of them. Not lady bugs though. I like them.
18. Do you know how to yo-yo?
A little, I tried recently and wasn't very good at it.
19. What is your best culinary dish?
I have a recipe for a really good chili. I wouldn't say I have anything that I specialize in but I can cook anything that I try to. I am no longer Thelma. My brothers used to call me that. If you ever watched the show "Good Times" the sister was Thelma and burned the food all the time. I think that's why they called me that...or maybe we had similar hair cuts?haha!
20. List three of your least favorite words.
Fiance(i think that's how you spell it) I think it is just a very annoying word. Uhm... maybe diarea (another I'm not sure is spelled correctly) It is just gross. Let me think.. I can't think of any more but I hate when people say words like tomato and call it a tomato. Do you know what I mean?
21. Do you sneeze several times in a row or just once?
Several in a row. I don't like sneezing. I usually do it as soon as I apply my mascara and then I have to fix it and it is all in my eye liner.
Another fun one! Thanks Katie Irene!