Erin and Brendan had dentist appointments today. It was Erin's first time. She was so excited! Brendan said he could hear her asking the hygienist a million questions and telling her our dog Olive poops on the lawn. Why? Who knows what goes through that kid's mind.
Brooke wanted to go in so badly! She kept asking "me?" She would have screamed if they actually took her in. Erin has to see an orthodontist for pre-orthodontic work. Isn't that weird, 4 years old and she could have some kind of braces!
4 years old & braces...that's crazy they don't even keep those teeth!!! her telling about the dog pooping is hilarious!!!
What a good sport Erin is to enjoy going to the dentist. I have not dared to bring Ben yet but I know I can't put it off too much longer. I would never have thought Erin needed braces...and that they could even tell at such a young age.
Good job kids!
Reilly is going in on Monday and she may have something put in her mouth to deter her from sucking her thumb. It's a very dreaded appointment and I've tried to take her twice this winter and there were big snowstorms both times. I think someone is looking out for her...I know, it's a pretty cruel thing to do. I'm still up in the air about it. We'll see what their plan is and if I go through w/ it. I just feel bad but I also don't want her second teeth to be affected.
The dog poop thing is a riot...imagine what she tells ppl at school?!...my mom stays up all night watching BB After Dark, she spends her entire paycheck at Dunkin's, she co-owns Suzie's Bittersweet, etc. Haha...all in fun!!! Don't hate! ;)
♥ to you all!
do you really watch bb afterdark...i am trying to get krissy to switch to showtime just for it!!! (not that i'm up much after dark)love, lisa
i wonder what else erin tells people when she is alone?
that was really funny!!!
erin is too cute!
what dentist do you go to for the kids, mary? i have my own dentist appt today. fun.
I do watch BB After Dark. Not that much this season but last season almost every minute of it and scarily I was watching it in the micce of the night. It airs from 12-3 am and I woudl stay up or wake up and watch it. Can you say obsessed?
The other day Erin and I were walking through Market Basket and of course 100 other people too. Erin says really loud, "Mom, are you a bad mother?" I was like what??? Then she says,"no, you are a nice mother". I was so embarrassed, people must have been like this lady is a nut! God knows what she says at school. I'm not sure if I even want to know!
LOL I wish she was in my class, I bet I'd get ALL the dirt out of her LOL teachers love "those" kinds of kids they tend to make you have a great day! Great Job! Love Auntie Paula
OMG, what the h*** have I missed?!?!??
Are you going to need to flag your blog as containing "adult" content? :) haha
I saw one post (with a bus being mentioned) but did not see anything after that? I agree with Kelli - what have I missed here? ~ Jackie
you know you can delete those completely and then there will be no signs of any comments.
what happened in blogland that i missed?
Uhm, you guys aren't the only ones who have extended family reading the blogs, it was getting embarrassing!
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