Rules for the “Five Random Facts”:
Each player starts with five random facts/habits/stories about themselves. Anything will do. Be creative.
The person who is tagged needs to write a post on their own blog (about their five things) and post these rules.
At the end of your blog, you need to choose one person to get tagged and list their name/blog. Don’t forget to leave a comment on their blog telling them they’re tagged and to read your blog.
1) I sort of am copying Jeannie a little because I am going to write about my first preganacy. It was very different than Jeannie's experience by far. Way less dramatic. Anyway, here goes...
As you all know Billy and I were very young when we got married. We were both 19! Billy was in the military and got stationed in Vilseck, Germany. We were so young, naive and so in love we didn't want to spend two years apart so we decided to just get married. That way I could come and live with him and we would travel and have fun. Well, ten days after we were married and Billy had already shipped out, I was feeling very sick. I took a home pregnancy test with friend Joanne at my parents house and guess what, it was postive! I was so scared, married or not. If you know my father, you know why. I was so glad for Billy that he was gone and we were married because being the oldest daughter and first to have a baby in our family, I knew he wouldn't be too happy. He had barely had time to adjust to the fact that we were married and that I was moving away for three years. I know I said two but, married couples had to stay three years and single soldiers only had to do two.
Anyway,I finally got my orders to go and move and by that time I was about five-six moths along and huge! Billy walked right by me at the airport, he didn't even recognize me.(I bet he shit his pants a little thinking I blew up)! Well, months passed and I was so scared and yet too young and stupid to think I should probably learn some German because I was going to deliver in a German Krankenhaus not in a miltary hospital like I had thought. I had gotten by at my check-ups with sign language and gestures but, the delivery was a whole different ball game. I was expecting to go in and have an epidural and then get my new little baby girl I had been expecting. It wasn't that easy at all. I had a painful, very long labor with not a soul who spoke a drop of English. I was so young, scared and in pain. I just kept saying " want my mother". Obviously, I knew she wasn't coming but that is all I wanted. It was so scary but, I finally got my beautiful baby girl, Kelsey who is now almost 16!

(sorry so blurry, I am not very computer savy.)
2)I guess I could write about my favorite place to shop in the whole wide world.It is Susie's Bittersweet Treasures. I have become a "regular" there. I just love it and it makes me so happy to come home with a little trinket and just look at it on my house. I never said my life was exciting!
3)I once tattled on an older kid to Sonia, the neighborhood store owner. Someone egged her store and I saw who did it and was stupid enough to tell her who it was. I came back to her store a few days later, only to be told she wanted me to ID him to his parents! I almost died and ran home scared to death. I thought I would confide in Nana, who lived next door and her words of wisdom were something like "keep your big mouth shut!" I ran home and hid behind our big ugly green piano we had in the front hallway for hours crying. For years I was afraid to wear anything with my name on it just in case "Joe" saw me and was looking for me.
4)My sisters think I am a freak for this but I hate canolis! I don't know why, I can't say no to a single dessert but a canoli does nothing for me. I guess maybe a chocolate canoli maybe but never a cheese one.
5)I think I am starting to have a love for gardening. I love to see something grow that I planted. I'm not saying I am that good at it, I have been trying and never really content with what I have done. Billy planted a Rose of Sharon tree for me last Spring and I can't wait for it to bloom!
Well, I guess that is it. I think my life is a pretty open book and not much that I've been hiding or that is too interesting. I hope I didn't put anyone to sleep.
Now,tag... Kim Marique you are it!