Brooke was clapping and cheering for her brothers. She is definitely coming out of her shell. This is the face she makes when I say "say cheese". I have to laugh everytime she does it! Brendan won his first "real" game 18-16 and scored 10 points! The game was tense until the last second! He did such a good job and he was so happy that they won. Colin also had a game today with the NYA league and they won by a huge amount too. Nottingam is doing awesome this year! The other towns better watch out for the Shaughnessy brothers!haha!

Erin didn't feel like taking pictures today.

That's my boy!
Brooke looks like a Lollypop kid! What a cute expression!
She's so cute and soooo blonde!
Erin, I want to see YOUR smile, you're so pretty!!!
Love you guys!
what is billy coaching this year? korey told them no thanks since we are doing swim lessons for the kids.
Brendan I LOVED the game. You did great!! Colin Congrats on yours as well...
I look like one of those blow up punching bags with the sand on the bottom of them from when we were kids....LOL....
go b-dog!!!
brooke's smile is priceless!!!
are you going to vote today!!!!!!!!!!!
go check out aj's new video
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