Look at my boys shoveling the snow! They did an awesome job, as good as Billy could have done. They are growing so quick.

Brooke thought she was ready to go and got her hat on. Once she saw the kids having fun she decided she would let me put on her snowpants.

Brendan in mid-air!

This is Colin giving me the thumbs up, after hitting his head on a tree. What an idiot in this and the next picture!

You have such good kids !!!! Handsome too....
korey stayed home today too! fun! please call me in the am if there is no preschool...you will find out before me i am sure. thanks.
also please tell your sister katie that her comments thing is not right!!!! i wanted to leave a comment but it emails instead...
It looks like you had lots of fun! I can't wait to have some snow here!
Where's Olive's jacket?!?!?!
That looks like so much fun!! We only got 1 or 2 inches. I bought tayla a snowsuit last month if it doesn't snow soon she'll out grow it!!
i want an olive post!
New post!
New post!
New post!
excuse me, new post please!
Is your dang camera broken??? Give us more...give us more!!!
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