I was remembering how different I was when my first baby went off to school and how much it is inevitable that you just get less crazy with each child. When Kelsey left for her first school bus ride I followed the bus to school. Not just the first day or the first week. I followed the bus until Christmas vacation. I only stopped because we moved to Amesbury. I would have followed that one too but, I had the presence of mind to know I was being nuts and needed to stop.
omg mary. i cant believe this. you are TOO funny. i am really laughing over here.
oh...it looks like you have a 'real' bus...we have a mini short bus! odd
LOL too funny!
that bus driver looks pretty HOT
LOL, I remember the old days all too well. I wish I could say I've changed like you but I don't think I have...in fact, I found myself worried for Erin and thought of driving to Nottingham to follow her myself! Haha!
Thank goodness there's no bus for Reilly yet, until then I'll just follow Cass' to HS. Yeah right!
I didn't say Billy wasn't fooowing him, I just said I wasn't!haha!
no, with kelsey you had the time. now you have a million other things you could be doing.
Something tells me that Erin has everything under control. This kid is a 20 year old trapped in a 4 year old body. I bet she was giving the bus driver directions to and from school. That's my godchild!
Auntie Jeannie
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