Sunday, June 21, 2009

NSMC Walk 2009

We walked in cold, rainy weather but who knew it would be such a nice day anyway!I had so much fun. We got to spend time with our extended family that we don't see enough anymore and some old friends that made the day even more special. I am also so proud of our team Captain Katie. She got it all organized and we raised $10,000!Team HFL rocks!

Joanne flew up from Florida. Along with Danny Browne. What great friends we have!

DeRousi Family
Team Pic

Coughlin Crew

Jill & Samantha
Gina & Katie
Baptiste Family
Auntie Theresa and Uncle Ronnie

Papa & the kids

The Ault's
The Gayhart's & Marique's

Billy, Me & the kids. So proud to be a part of such a special day!
Happy Father's Day too!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Had such a great day ! So many people and faces that I haven't seen in a long time...I'm proud our kids will know that this is something we do every year as a family/team !!!