At the bottom of this entry I will tag three people, who should then tag three more people, and so on. You know the drill.
1. Why did you start a blog?
My sister Katie introduced me to the Blogworld. Then all of my sisters eventually got one and I wanted to try it too. I was very hesitant about putting everything out there for anyone to see.
2. What did/do you hope to accomplish with your blogging?
I do it because I love looking at my pictures and how it is available any time of the day. I mostly just like to stay in the loop with my sisters.
3. Have you found that you don't post as much as you did when you started? I post about the same. Sometimes more than others, mostly because I just forget to take pictures and what is a blog without pictures.
4. If yes, why not? My camera kind of sucks, so it isn't appealing to use right now.
5. How important are comments to you? I love comments, otherwise what's the point? I especially like how somehow my blog becomes the start of all the insane comments. It does make for some fun in my day!
6. Do you ever find yourself wishing people would not always leave comments that agree with you? No, I hate when people don't agree with me, that would just piss me off! If you don't like it please don't look!haha! (Nana always used to say that)
7. Do you comment on other people's blogs a lot, sometimes, or very little? I try to always leave a comment. I feel like it is the polite thing to do.
8. What determines why you don't post a comment on someone else's blog? Sometimes I have nothing to write so I write some generic comment but only because I just can't think of something good. I also only commnet on people that I know and that know me.
9. Do you have more than one blog? No, that would be fun though. I somehow see Katie have a secret blog and have actually thought some have been her... she's kind of a freak like that.
10. Do you read random blogs either off of random blogger or friend's lists? No, I have a few times but I can honestly say I rarely do. I just forget about them and find it is so time consuming to check everyone I know as it is. I think I should start though. I think I am missing out.
I now tag the following three bloggers: Joanne Faysal, Kileen Shaughnessy and Kelly Ault! Let's go!
I love your mailbox it's so cute!!!
ur just now right...i only know of people in ur family that blog so it won't get very far ...hey how or where did you get the cool background for your blog...it's perty..yes i said perty LOL
u don't know me but i read your blog every day-- and i know where you live and where you do your grocery shopping. i also have seen you fondling the fruits and veggies.
i have also seen you in the parking lot with the top down (if you know what I mean and i ain't talking about no convertible).
those carrots were nice eh?
paul from montreal
I see Tressa is drinking again...
I ♥ Paul!
thanks for participating
I want to meet this Paul! The house picture on your blog looks nice.
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