Thursday, October 11, 2007


Our brother Dennis is truly an amazing person. I am astonished by the visitors and friends this guy has. I mean someone could only dream that there would be that many people concerned for them or who cared for them that much. He has so many friends and so many people that are out there praying for him and visiting him. I'm sure the nursing staff isn't as impressed as us but, it is unbelievable.

We were all sitting in the waiting room and pacing the halls for days. I mean there had to be thirty to forty people there every day. One day this big hairy, hippee type guy comes out of the bathroom. He says, "is this all for one guy"? That just sums Dennis up. He is liked by so many. He is such a fighter and thank God he is so stubborn. He is not going down without a fight.

Keep praying! So far it seems to be helping!

We love you Dennis!


Anonymous said...


You are in our thoughts and prayers

Kelly, Jimmy and the Kids

Mom of 3 Boys said...

We are thinking about you all as well...

Kileen said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Kelly, Kevin and the girls

Anonymous said...

So many people love him so much. He's touched so many people's lives.

The nurse last night said that this was the first time EVER that she has seen someone eat ice cream in the ICU.
I told her that she's just met Dennis Rich and that basically sums up who he is.


Anonymous said...

Praying for Dennis and to the families as well. Love you guys!
Uncle Pat and Aunt Ruth