Brooke woke up to a birthday surprise. Kelsey and Bre stayed up late and decorated the kitchen with streamers and ballons. Some of the balloons even had little Dora undies on them. (Brooke didn't think that was too funny but she is loving them now). She oddly asked for new underwear a few times for her birthday gift. She's a little odd sometimes. haha! Her expression was priceless when she came downstairs. Sort of like when Santa comes. Even I was surprised. Kelsey and Bre just did it all while we were all asleep.

We didn't have a party like I had planned on throwing but we did have a cake and she got to go to Toysrus and pick out whatever she wanted. She picked the "Swim To me Puppy". Of course Erin got one too. How can you not buy them both something? Brendan even scored a new wrestling guy. He swears he doesn't like them anymore but yet he still will buy one any chance he gets.