I promise my blog will not always be about football!
Anyway, this weekend was all about football. Saturday was the annual "Fantasy Football Draft Party". It is as much for the girls as it is for the boys. The guys were all downstairs in picking mode and no kids are allowed anywhere past the top step.(except Colin and Brendan) And all us girls and kids were upstairs stopping fights, watching hours of Big Brother 8 and pigging out. My kind of fun! It was a succesful party and my house is still trashed from it, I just don't have the energy to really clean after Sunday.
Speaking of that, we were up at 4:30 a.m. to be in Laconia for Brendan's 8:00a.m. game. It was his very first real game and he did really well. The medic was only called for him once. He got the wind knocked out of him from a helmet to the stomach. Luckily I missed all the hoopla because I thought the game was over and started walking to the car to clean and load the girls in the car. He was fine but, they did lose. They are all first and second year players and are still learning the game. We then had to go to Colin's game in Amherst N.H. at 3:00. After a stop at Friendly's for lunch we made our way there and won 26-0!!! Colin was phenominal! Not because he is my son, he was just so fired up and excited. He was in just about every play I saw and scored and an awesome touchdown and ran over 100 yards. It is so exciting as they get older because it is like a real game and moves along quicker. I hope you guys can come and see some home games!
(Colin is # 7 and Brendan is # 70)